Thursday, 20 December 2012


The Chakras

The millinery yogic tradition teaches us about the connection between mind and body through the descriptions of 7 centres of force or energy that vibrates on 7 different levels of frequency, namely the Chakras. The Chakras corresponds to seven fundamental levels of universal vibration. These energetic focus point centres connect the emotional and mental actions and reactions of the mind with the central nervous system and the main organs of the body. Thus when a certain emotion predominate, consequently through the action of the Chakras a certain condition is created for the function of the organs and endocrine glands. If a Chakra is activated well and harmoniously the corresponding glands will produce healthy secretions but when a Chakra is disharmoniously activated giving rise to unbalanced emotions the corresponding glands produces secretions low in quality or even toxic to the body.  Likewise a certain steady impact on a organ will sooner or later result in a change in the mental patterns through the connection the Chakras create between the organs and the mind. Furthermore,  each Chakra constitutes a level of understanding and perception of reality which constitutes the level of consciousness of the being.

The 7 Chakras in the order of increasing vibration and level of consciousness:

Muladhara Chakra: the root centre

In the physical body this Chakra is controlling:

v The reproductive centres and the anal area
v The process of growing and developing the physical body
v Testicle and ovaries in their vital aspect
v Assimilation of food and the process of eating
v Regulation of vitality, weight and heaviness
v Coccyx plexus
v The sense of smell

The meaning of Muladhara is ”root support” and it connects us to the vitality of the earth granting the basic vitality to our whole being. The physical projection is the perineum. It is related to density and cohesion. At the emotional and mental level Muladhara is related to the survival instinct and self-preservation.  It gives need for security and comfort and when the consciousness is predominantly focused on this level rises a dominating materialistic attitude. A harmonious activation bestow practical awareness and mental stability while an inharmonious activation gives anxiety, rigidity and dogmatism.

Swadistana Chakra: the sexual centre

In the physical body this Chakra is controlling:

v The composition of the blood and lymph,
v Kidneys activity
v Urinary bladder activity
v Adrenal glands activity
v Urine, sperm and menstruation elimination
v General movement and body fluids balance
v Sexual organs and functions, especially in relation to reproduction
v Sacral plexus
v The sense of taste

Its meaning refers to ”enjoy or take delight”  It is the very home of the sexual energy. The physical projection is a little above the sexual organs. Now the density of the first Chakra has become fluidity in the second Chakra. The impulse of this Chakra creates desire for pleasure and life experiences. It relates directly to sexuality and sensuality. When refined, the sexual energy transforms into creativity, playfulness, spontaneity and positive imagination. When disturbed, it gives rise to jealousy and depression. When the consciousness is focused on this level, group mentality plays an important role giving the need for social integration and family life.

Manipura Chakra: the naval centre

In the physical body this Chakra is controlling:

v Function of the pancreas and spleen
v The digestive system
v The liver and the gallbladder
v The capacity to transform food it into energy
v Spleen plexus and solar plexus
v The activity of the eyes. The sense of sight

”The place of the brilliant precious stone” is the meaning of Manipura, revealing to us its shinning fiery quality. The physical projection is just under the navel. In the two first Chakras the basic needs of life was met, but here in Manipura Chakra the consciousness of individuality is crystallized and we find will, purpose and power of action. The positive emotions from this level are powerful expression of courage, self-control and optimism. When unbalanced, excessive criticism, violence and hatred appears. A human being predominantly on this level sees everything as a power game and lives to fulfil his selfish ambitions though he can manifest moments of great generosity.

Anahata Chakra: the heart centre

In the physical body this Chakra is controlling:

v The thymus gland
v Heart and lungs
v Penis and clitoris
v Vagina and uterus
v Blood
v Cardiac plexus
v Skin. The sense of touch

Reaching Anahata the “the stainless centre” we get the first glimpse of the Divine presence within. Its physical projection is in the middle of the chest. It is the focus centre of the universal divine love. At the emotional and mental level Anahata is related to love, devotion and forgiveness. Now the spiritual aspirant seeks to overcome his ego by reaching states of true empathy, altruism and nobleness. The physical heart connects to the soul from where it receive the impulse of life spreading it in the whole body.

Vishudda Chakra, the throat centre

In the  physical body this Chakra is controlling:

v The thyroid gland
v Throat and tonsils
v The larynx
v Thyroid plexus
v The ears. The sense of hearing

Vishudda Chakra or the “purifier” is projected physically at the level of the throat under the Adams apple. It relates to the capacity of memory and assimilation of knowledge. From here the first level of spiritual intuition is born – to know without reasoning. Abstract concepts such as time can be understood and even controlled by the yogi who masters this force centre projecting his consciousness into the past or future. At this level the meditator expands his awareness to experience a state that transcends his own individuality. When the consciousness is focused on this level, it brings forth purity of mind and a clear perception of truth.

Ajna Chakra : the third eye

In the physical body this Chakra is controlling:

v The pineal gland
v Ocular plexus

Ajna Chakra – the mental command centre is the seat of the mind situated in the middle of the forehead. It gives the power of concentration and spiritual discernment. This is one of the most mysterious and fascinating aspect of the human mind.  Ajna Chakra, or the third eye is in close connection to the pineal gland, or the pineal eye, which from a yogic perspective generates the inner light by transforming elevated cosmic energies into an inner visual perception of the non physical realities. The pineal gland feed the entire body with cosmic light by transforming the light into secretions which is distributed in the body. This is the gateway between creation and transcendence.

Sahasrara, the crown center

In the physical body this Chakra is controlling:

v The pituitary gland
v Coordinates the function of every organ in a coherent harmony
v Cerebral cortex
v Brain plexus

At last we culminate the sevenfold journey, climbing to the thousand petalede  lotus blooming at the top of the head. This centre of force is transcending the mind connecting the human being directly to the Divine Self. Here we find the infinitely profound seat of cosmic consciousness. It is the true essence of being as the awareness that dwells within. The pituitary gland acts as a transmitter of the infinite transcendent Divine consciousness to the immanent aspect of individual physical consciousness. The pituitary gland secretes hormones to control the rest of the endocrine system, and also connects to the central nervous system. In this way the pituitary gland conduct the Divine consciousness as individual awareness spreading in the whole body through the central nervous system and the endocrine glands.

Kundalini and the central nervous system

While Sahasrara conducts awareness through the central nervous system creating a conscious matrix that keeps the whole body and all its part in a coherent ordered structure, it is Muladhara from where the force rises that energizes the central nervous system with its bio-electric energy thus energizing all the nervous plexuses and thereby the Chakras and their corresponding organs giving energy to the body.

The mysterious latent energy Kundalini Shakti that resides in Muladhara is raised through the adequate yoga practice through the subtle channel Shushumna Nadi in the middle of the spine. The central nervous system is indeed the very physical projection of Shushumna Nadi. When Kundalini Shakti rises on the physical level - through the central nervous system - all organs and glands are supernaturally activated, bestowing perfect health and even immortality. When it rises on the subtle level - through Shushumna Nadi reaching Sahasrara - the primordial energy and cosmic consciousness unite in the spiritual aspirant giving rise to a rebirth into the Divine Reality. 

Presented by Emanuel Langhoff,
Satya Esoteric Integral Yoga

#33 Chockalingam Nagar, Teynampet, Chennai 600086
Phone: 42036652
Cel: 9003132978



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